Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 3

Already at day three and things are...fine.  I am neither super-jazzed nor crazed and frustrated.  I think this is a good place to be.  Granted, I have moments where I want a coffee, a pizza, a glass of wine, and all the cupcakes (in that order) but mostly I'm feeling pretty normal. 

One piece of advice for anyone considering doing a detox, however: consider not starting it in the middle of one of the busiest times in your life, especially if you don't have time to complete your grocery shopping in advance and/or a day to get a whole lot of cooking done at once.  Otherwise you will eat a lot of hummus and vegetables.  Now, I love me some hummus and veggies but ohgodpleasesomethingelse.

Been working late tonight, but I'm headed for home now.  Will stop at the store on the way to get the remainder of the provisions I need for the night of cooking ahead of me (a lovely thing to do while also catching up on work for your theatre company).  Got stir fry, chicken with barley soup, and three different kinds of squash on the horizon.  Shaping up to be a delicious weekend.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new start...or not so new

I can't tell you how many times I have made commitments to improve myself.  The new year comes, and with it, the feeling of starting over, a clean slate, good intentions.  These things are like drugs to me.  I love them, and they are fraught.  So what makes this year any different?  Possibly nothing, but possibly a few things. 
  1. I told people about it.  And as my best friends and I have made a commitment to being accountable to ourselves and each other, I'm hoping that will help keep me on track.
  2. I have a clear plan.  I am following Whole Living's Whole Body Action Plan and the Yoga Journal 21-Day Challenge (which I will extend to 28 days to make the two line up). 
  3. The theme of this year for me is taking care of myself.  And I am continually reminding myself that no one else is going to do it.
So it's begun.  I did a short morning sequence this morning when I woke up and so far, it feels like hell.  After injuring my back this fall and a nasty cold last week, my muscles seems to have been replaced with some hard and inflexible fabric.  My body doesn't feel anything like my body at the moment.

I suppose that's why we're here.